Small Business Mobile Tools: Top 5 iPad Cases

When the iPad first came out, no one really thought of it as a mobile device suitable for small business. But that was then, and today, the iPad’s a legit office worker. To keep it productive and protected, you’ll need a case that can handle a full work day and more.

Our sister site, is on the case — well, the five best ones anyway. Check out the full story.

When Apple’s tablet began shipping in early spring, there weren’t many iPad cases, sleeves, or bags to choose from. Today, you can wrap an iPad in everything from pink plastic to a red Etch a Sketch frame to Louis Vuitton logo leather.

Somewhere in between all the extremes, there’s an iPad case for sensible enterprise and mobile office types like you. We’ve chosen four iPad cases, and one bag, for your consideration.

Read the complete article: Mobile Computing Review: The Best iPad Cases

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