Projectors come in a wide range of sizes and capabilities as you’ll see in our article, How to Buy the Best Mobile Projector. But if you’re in the market for something small and super-portable, you’ll also want to take a look at the Samsung SP-H03 Projector, which is small in both the physical and the fiscal sense. And the old cliché “size matters” truly does when it comes to anyone who travels for business and wants to limit what they have to pack and drag through the airports. The question though, is whether or not a mobile projector of such small stature and price can deliver when it counts. You want to present your ideas in the best light, literally. So, can this pint-sized presentation tool earn a place in your carry-on bag? HardwareCentral has the details.
The average notebook: slim, sleek, and made for travel. The average projector: none of the above. With airlines cracking down on the one-carry-on rule, traveling presentation-givers are less likely to lug along anything that needs its own bulky carrying case. Hence the booming interest in pico projectors — palm-size PowerPoint presenters that fit into a briefcase alongside a laptop.
Candidates range from Optoma’s pioneering pico line to the HP Notebook Projection Companion we reviewed in March. Now Samsung has stepped up with one of the smallest and slickest projectors yet — and one of the most affordable at $300.
Read the complete Samsung projector review.
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