50 iPad Apps deliver Your Free News Fix

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Knowledge is power, and keeping current with news, events and information is an important part of being a small business owner. The changing nature of online news makes it tricky to access the info you need for free, and let’s face it — we all like free better.

Our sister site, Datamation, has compiled a list of 50 iPad apps that deliver the news, information and, yes, entertainment that you need or want, and they do it for free.

In what may prove to be an industry-leading move, The New York Times now charges for its news content. That’s a challenge to those of us who have been enjoying free, ad-supported news for years.

So now readers have two options: pony up for a subscription or look around for free news and information sources. For our frugal friends, we present this list of 50 free news apps for the iPad.

Read the complete article: 50 iPad Apps for Free News, Information, Entertainment

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