Microsoft Office 365 Available for Public Beta

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Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees and particularly those that don’t have their own IT staff may want to check out the latest cloud-based small business software service from Microsoft. Office 365, which replaces Microsoft’s Office live Small Business, just went into public beta, which means it’s still officially in the testing phase, but fully featured and — best of all — free. Once it’s out of beta, the service will cost $6 per person per month.

Get more details on the beta version of Office 365 from our sister site,

Microsoft announced Monday it has begun widespread public beta testing of its Office 365 cloud-based online business application subscription service.

The service combines cloud delivery of the latest versions of Microsoft’s (NASDAQ: MSFT) enterprise services — Exchange 2010, SharePoint 2010 and Lync 2010 — with the Office 2010 Web Apps, as well as the option to upgrade to Office 2010 Professional Plus.

Read the complete article: Microsoft Begins Public Beta of Office 365

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