When you’re looking for best practices with internal recruitment efforts, your approach matters. Maybe you’re trying to figure out the best way to use tools like recruitment services. Maybe you’re looking at agency software or human resources recruiting software.
In any case, it’s important to think about how companies like yours source the best talent. These tips will help you to refine your talent recruitment process and choose the best candidates to hire.
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- Use the right channels
- Build a narrative
- Lose the legacy systems
- Offer flexibility
- Be prudent with employee screening
- Leverage HR software to hire the best candidates
Use the right channels
In the old days, people applied for jobs through paper applications. Later, some worked through printable documents on the internet.
Today, more people are using platforms like LinkedIn and even Facebook to interact with potential employers. They also use a bevy of different types of mobile apps, as well as online job boards ported over their smartphones.
With this in mind, a big part of your talent recruitment process is figuring out how to meet applicants where they’re searching for jobs. When you’re posting your job listings in the right places, you tend to get a better response. Make an effort to understand the next generation of workers better, and you’ll be in more of a position to compete for top talent as the work environment and the technology world change rapidly.
Build a narrative
Another great way to attract candidates that will be a good fit for your business is to tell a story in your job posts and related materials.
Create a picture of how this role fits into the landscape of your business, rather than only telling candidates about the benefits of working for your company. You’ll get a high quality of talent responses and be able to use that to build the right pool of people who will propel your business forward.
Lose the legacy systems
Using modern recruitment agency software is an important part of growing your in-house talent. Get rid of the counterintuitive forms and application requirements that add absolutely no value to the process and make things difficult.
Examples of of outdated processes include 20-page employment applications that require the person’s history over the last 20 years, as well as obsolete psychology tests used in bargain-basement franchise shops to try to figure out if somebody would steal some pens. These recruiting elements belong to the 1980s, but it’s possible that it’s been that long since you’ve considered refreshing your business’s application requirements.
Replace old paper and manual review systems with neatly automated tools that make your job easier. Don’t do away with human touchpoints for critical parts of the interview process, but identify the workflows that can easily be automated to modernize your business and compete for the right talent.
Offer flexibility
Time and time again, job experts find that workers value flexible work policies. Show your applicants that you are committed to a strong work/life balance by putting a spotlight on policies and company benefits that promote family support. Ensure candidates know about potential scheduling flexibilities, opportunities for advancement or education, and any other opportunities that may come their way as a member of your team.
Be prudent with employee screening
Employee screening services are a key piece of the recruitment process that can help you make the right decision between two candidates. It’s important to look for a solution that’s non-intrusive for your candidates, but still effective enough to look for red flags that could jeopardize your business.
For instance, background checks and credit checks don’t need to be overly intrusive and dig into employees’ private lives. The best third-party companies find ways to look for the right details without invading a candidate’s privacy. If you’d prefer to keep this procedure in-house, always consider the impact your approach can have on a prospective employee’s first impression.
Leverage HR software to find the best candidates
Understanding these internal recruiting best practices will help your HR efforts succeed. By modernizing old processes and optimizing your approach to recruitment, you’ll appeal to your talent pool in a way that puts your business in the best light. Before you can make a decision about your job candidates, however, you need an applicant pool to start with first. A good recruitment service can help; so can best-in-brand HR and recruitment software. Find the right solution for your business, and you’ll have an easier time finding the best candidates to add to your team.
Susan Ranford is an expert on career coaching. business advice. and workplace rights. She has written for New York Jobs. IAmWire. and ZipJob. In her blogging and writing. she seeks to shed light on issues related to employment. business. and finance to help others understand different industries and find the right job fit for them – Strategics360.com/