Small Business Trends: Roundup – Social Media Survival Guide
Small Business Trends links to recent articles about why small businesses should be using social media, tools and techniques for using social media and advanced topics such as check-in and geolocation applications.
“Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. These are only a few of the more common tools we think of when we hear the term social media. To grapple with this brand new and important component in the small business world, you will need some advice and resources to make sure you get it right. Talking to your customers should be natural, but learning to use the social media effectively comes with a few basic principles. We’ve come up with what we think is good advice for small businesses as a starting point when putting together your social media survival guide.
Getting Social
Why being social can be a matter of survival. Drawing from a small business social community, this post looks at the ways in which social interaction is an absolute necessity for businesses today. It is especially necessary for small businesses attempting to leverage the power of the Internet to build their brands.”