Buffalo Launches Web-Accessible PogoPlug NAS

Engadget: Buffalo Launches Web-Accessible PogoPlug NAS

The new Buffalo NAS devices work like PogoPlug’s disk-less CloudStor products, but have hard disks built in – 1TB for $170, 2TB for $270.

Buffalo’s toyed with that newfangled idea of sharing files over the internet once or twice, but today it’s stepping up to the plate, picking up a PogoPlug bat, and sending a hard drive coursing into the upper stratosphere fueled by good intent.

“Well, perhaps the reality isn’t quite as exciting as that analogy, but Buffalo is indeed launching the first PogoPlug with internal storage today, which works just like your run-of-the-mill NAS in everyday use, but can also share files of your choosing with awkward acquaintances around the world through an online web portal. $170 buys you 1TB of storage, $270 doubles that capacity to 2TB, and the end of friends and relatives nagging you to upload Facebook photos is (hopefully) included free with every purchase.

If all you’re looking for in an external hard drive is improved transfer speeds, Buffalo’s got plenty of options there too, as it’s revamped four tried-and-true units with USB 3.0. You can nab the blue SuperSpeed connector in a four-drive, 4TB or 8TB DriveStation Quad with up-to-225MB transfer rates starting at $630, a two-drive, 2TB or 4TB DriveStation Duo starting at $280, a single-drive DriveStation Axis with 1TB or 2TB starting at $100, or a more portable MiniStation Stealth in 500GB and 1TB capacities starting at $90. Speedy rotating magnetic platters, anyone?”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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