PCWorld: New SMB IP Phones And Wi-Fi Gear From HP
Among the new products from Hewlett-Packard are dual-band (2.4 and 5 GHz) Wi-Fi 11N access points and new IP desk phones. (See separate story about new microserver product for SMBs.)
“HP expanded its IP phone and wireless LAN offerings for small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) on Wednesday as part of a broad set of product introductions for those customers.
The company’s primary aims with the array of new SMB products, which includes a “microServer” and extends to storage-area networks, are to simplify IT and lower costs for small businesses while increasing their productivity. Wireless LANs have drawn increasing attention as relatively easy networks to deploy and maintain in lieu of wired Ethernet for every employee’s workspace. IP (Internet Protocol) phones are advancing into many enterprises and offer the possibility of simplifying communications into one network that carries both voice and data.”