Hot Download: Speed Up Windows Boot With Soluto

PCWorld: Hot Download – Speed Up Windows Boot With Saluto

Saluto sped up the reviewer’s three-minute-plus Windows boot by about 30 seconds.

“Frustrated by how long it takes for Windows to fully load after you’ve logged in? So is just about every other Windows user on the planet. Now you can do something about it. The free Soluto, currently in beta, does a very nice job of helping you cut that time–in ways that no other program does.

Soluto runs in the background and watches what programs and services load when you log in. It then analyzes how long each of them takes, and categorizes them according to whether they are required for Windows, potentially removable from Windows boot, or are instead a “No-brainer” that can easily be removed from boot. It bases this information on what the company calls the Soluto PC Genome, a database about many PC applications that the company has put together.”

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