Windows Phone 7 – A Viable Alternative To iPhone And Android?

PCWorld: Windows Phone 7 – A Viable Alternative To iPhone And Android?

PCWorld’s Ginny Mies argues that, while it has several attractive features, Windows Phone 7’s success will depend on whether Microsoft can foster an eco system of developers to produce apps to extend its new mobile operating system’s functionality.

“Windows Phone 7’s splashy launch last week in New York City showcased impressive hardware from the likes of Dell, HTC, LG, and Samsung, and gave us a closer look at the brand-new operating system. Afterward, I was left with some questions and doubts, however. Besides a few missing essential features (ahem, copy and paste), Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 proposition lacks something far more important: apps. What good is a phone without apps? Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 Marketplace is not yet up and running. A few of the demo phones at the launch event had apps preinstalled, but the selection was pretty skimpy.

The positive news is that Microsoft has been working vigorously in this area to build relationships with developers and to drum up consumer interest by showcasing featured apps and games. Microsoft’s development strategy is unique, and its handling app development appears to have both advantages and disadvantages. If the strategy works, Microsoft could become a real threat to Apple and Google in the apps arena. If it fails, Android and the iPhone may leave Windows Phone 7 in the dust.”

Small Business Computing Staff
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