PCWorld: Rugged Yet Light: Panasonic’s Toughbook S9
Panasonic’s Toughbook line is built to withstand rough treatment, but this model is both light at 3 lbs. even and, with its i5 processor and 2GB of memory, reasonably powerful. Price: $2,499 and up.
“Don’t let the tank-like appearance of Panasonic’s Toughbook S9 fool you. According to Panasonic, it’s the world’s lightest 12.1-inch laptop with a DVD drive, weighing three pounds even.
You might not expect such a superlative from a notebook whose main lure is the ability to shrug off shocks, drops, and spills, but lightweight designs have become somewhat of a pursuit for Panasonic and its Toughbooks; the company also slaps “world’s lightest” accolades on its 14-inch F8, 14-inch F9, and 12.1-inch tablet C1.”