5 Cool Apps For Road Warriors

Entrepreneur: 5 Cool Apps For Road Warriors

From an app that lets you log the license plates of bad drivers, to one that helps you create an accident report in the event of a fender bender, these free-or-cheap apps are tailor made for the always-on-the-go small business employee.

You live the intrepid life of a road warrior. Your car is your office. Your hands-free headset is your best friend. Your smartphone is your administrative assistant. You know the Starbucks drive-though window intimately. You even check your e-mail on Wi-Fi while you wait for your latte. Drive on, brave mobile warrior. These iPhone and Android apps are for you.

DriveMeCrazy (free)
This new iPhone app is making some waves by touching on the issue of bad driving. It lets you log the license plates of careless drivers, make note of their offending road behavior and share it with the world. Check to see if you have been flagged or run the plates of your company cars to see who’s been seen speeding, tailgating or making rude gestures in traffic. The idea is to use peer pressure to encourage better driving. Better driving is good for businesses, but try not to get distracted by the part of the app that lets users flag attractive drivers and try to send them flirty messages.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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