The Next Big Thing In Smartphones: Mobile Video Conferencing?

PCWorld: The Next Big Thing In Smartphones – Mobile Video Conferencing?

Vendors are putting video conferencing software and services on 3G-connected smartphones. Forrester Research says high-priced mobile execs want it. But how well does it work?

“CIOs can score points by bringing mobile Web conferencing to traveling executives, says Ted Schadler, a Forrester Research analyst. In fact, in many ways Web conferencing makes more sense on smartphones than on laptops, he says.

Mobile Web conferencing apps such as Cisco WebEx and AT&T Connect are now riding the smartphone wave-namely the iPhone, BlackBerry and Droid-into executives’ hands. “Mobile Web conferencing is growing in importance because the people who are most valuable to the company are the same people that want web conferencing on their mobile phones,” Schadler says.”

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