Windows Phone 7 Will Make Or Break Microsoft

PC Magazine: Windows Phone 7 Will Make Or Break Microsoft

Lance Ulanoff argues that mobile devices have become far more important than desktop and laptop computers and that Microsoft needs a mobile winner to keep it’s dominant position.

“Windows Phone 7 isn’t just a mobile platform; it’s officially Microsoft’s last, best chance for relevance in the post-desktop computing world.

When Windows Mobile launched at the turn of the century, desktops and laptops still sat at the center of our computing universe. Obviously, we still spend significant time with our desktops and laptops, but we care far more about our mobile devices. We obsess over their design and interfaces and how we can customize them through apps. I’ve been working with computers for decades and can’t remember another time quite like this. Even in the early days of PCs, when the variety of apps and interface metaphors was overwhelming, no one thought of computing or applications as sexy. PCs were, primarily, for getting things done. We barely communicated over them.”

Small Business Computing Staff
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