Small Business Personal Cloud Storage From Iomega

Engadget: Small Business Personal Cloud Storage From Iomega

The new Personal Cloud editions of Iomega’s Home Media Network Hard Drives are also ideal for small business backup and file sharing. The product comes in capacities of 1TB ($169) and 2TB ($229).

“Finally, a new flavor of Iomega that the EMC fanboys can find palatable. The bigger company consumed the smaller back in 2008 and, while we’ve seen plenty of products since then, none have really brought the two together like the new Personal Cloud edition of the Home Media Network Hard Drives. In theory, anyway.

The idea here is that this is a smart NAS, creating your own little puff and hosting your data for general availability but avoiding the “careless computing” curse by retaining control of your data. It’ll naturally play nice with the new Iomega TV and, if you buy two of the things, you can have one perform an automated remote backup to the other. That’s the sort of feature that should make a tight-budgeted IT manager’s ears perk up. How tight? The first two models of Iomega’s Home Media Network Hard Drive Cloud Edition devices launch this month: 1TB for $169.99 and twice that for $229.99.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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