Social Media Today: The Who, What How Of Social Media Marketing
This article explains how you should be thinking about what to do with social media marketing, how to execute and, almost as important, who in the organization should be heading up the effort.
“The first two questions on every business owners mind about Social Media Marketing are or should be what to do and how to do it. These should be immediately followed by who will control my Social Media Presence. That being said here are a couple of pointers and things to ponder to get you thinking and going in the right direction.
First things first the powers that be must sit down and put together a Social Media strategy. You must decide What networks best serve your purpose on the web and how many (or few) networks you want to be on. The obviousness of needing to have Facebook and Twitter accounts does not need to be stated, but your business needs to also look into some of the smaller niche networks that are more industry specific. These will drive you to more of an interest group than a social group and even though there are a quarter of the users it could end up driving as much if not more business to you than the major players. Also you must choose wisely while a network like Foursquare would be great for a Bar or Restaurant it probably won’t be so effective for say a gynecologist.”