Typing On An iPad? There Are Keyboards (Plural) For That

PCWorld: Typing On An iPad? There Are Keyboards (Plural) For That

Apple’s iPad may not be quite the locked-down, closed system it appears. As this article explains, there are options for adding a physical keyboard for volume text input on the iPad, including non-Apple Bluetooth keyboards.

“Compared to the iPhone’s tiny onscreen keyboard, the version on the iPad is nearly touch-typable, especially in landscape mode. But if you plan to use your iPad for serious data input–such as writing an article like this one–you’ll want a real, physical keyboard.

Apple’s official option is the iPad Keyboard Dock, which combines an iPad-optimized version of the company’s no-keypad keyboard with a sturdy dock base. But one of our favorite iPad surprises is that you can instead use any Bluetooth keyboard, including Apple’s own super-portable Wireless Keyboard.”

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