What Wi-Fi Direct Will Mean To SMBs

ITBusinessEdge: What Wi-Fi Direct Will Mean To SMBs

Paul Mah raises the specter of security concerns and congestion in the Wi-Fi airwaves as a result of a new extension to the Wi-Fi standard that will enable eaiser on-the-fly wireless networking and direcet connection of perhipherals using Wi-Fi.

“The first Wi-Fi Direct-certified products were unveiled recently by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Understandably eager to capitalize on the popularity of the Wi-Fi wireless networking standard, the Wi-Fi Alliance is using the familiar and widely deployed technology to extend existing Wi-Fi specifications. In a nutshell, Wi-Fi Direct was created for device-to-device wireless connectivity with the range and performance of infrastructure-mode Wi-Fi.

I dug around a little and shared some of my findings in “Understanding Wi-Fi Direct” posted last week. As all good IT managers or CIOs know though, the technical aspect is but one facet of any new technology or product. Beyond the inner workings of Wi-Fi Direct, what are the repercussions of Wi-Fi Direct to SMBs? Let us examine a couple of them today.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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