First Look Review: T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide Smartphone

Smartphones & Cell Phones: First Look Review – T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide Smartphone

The T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide, which will be available June 2 for $179.99 with a data plan and two-year contract, ultimately disappointed the reviewer. The slide-out QWERTY keyboard isn’t as good as the one on the earlier G1 phone from HTC and the price is a bit on the high side, he says.

“When I first heard about the T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide I didn’t give it much thought. I then realized it was the first HTC Android device with a QWERTY keyboard since the T-Mobile G1 so I took a second look at it. I liked what I heard about the new phone and actually placed it in the number 7 out of 10 spots in my top 10 smartphones of 2010 article. If the device lived up to the promise I was seriously thinking about picking one up because I do like a good QWERTY keyboard, but after three days of usage, I have decided this is not the device for me. I do think there is a group of people who this device will appeal to though and it is a nice option for T-Mobile customers. Check out some T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide photos and screenshots in my image gallery, the video walk through below, and some more of my initial impressions.

If you check out the photos in the myTouch 3G article I wrote last year you will see that T-Mobile wrapped the device in some pretty unique and high quality packaging. Well, they did it again with the myTouch 3G Slide that comes in a cool hard plastic box similar to a mini-Pelican case or something. You can probably find some good alternative uses for this sturdy plastic box if you don’t want to keep your accessories inside. After opening the box you will find foam cutouts containing the myTouch 3G Slide (referred to as the Slide from here on out), A/C USB charging adapter, USB cable, stereo headphones, and some pamphlets and manuals. The Slide comes in Black, Red, and White and the review unit that T-Mobile sent to me for a couple weeks is black.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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