Businesses Not Sure About Cloud Security: Survey

PCWorld: Businesses Not Sure About Cloud Security: Survey

A new survey shows that 62% of respondents are not confident they can keep their data secure in the cloud.

“You want to embrace cloud computing because it makes your IT operations leaner and less expensive. But your understanding of cloud security hasn’t advanced much in the last year, so you have to be cautious.

That’s one of the takeaways from the Eighth Annual Global Information Security Survey CSO conducted along with sister publication CIO and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Some 12,847 business and technology executives from around the world took the survey, and many admitted they’re still a bit scared with the idea of putting critical data in the cloud.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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