PowerPoint Add-in For GoldMail Slideshow Presenter

PCWorld: PowerPoint Add-in For GoldMail Slideshow Presenter

GoldMail lets you publish narrated slide presentations online and invite customers to come and view them. This free plugin for PowerPoint simplifies and speeds the process.

“If you’re looking for a simple way to import Microsoft PowerPoint slides into the GoldMail multimedia presentation package, you’ll find the GoldMail Add-in for Powerpoint a solid bet. It’s free, it does the job quickly, and you’ll be able to import the slides in seconds.

In case you don’t have a copy of GoldMail, and aren’t sure why you would need the GoldMail Add-in for PowerPoint, here’s a brief rundown. GoldMail lets you create and share slideshows that includes voice-overs that you record. It’s quite easy to use. First create slides by copying them from a clipboard, a file or by making text slides by using built-in tools the program has. When you’ve done that, you can write a script for yourself inside the program, so that you don’t stumble when you record your voiceover. After that, record the voiceover. The entire presentation is saved on the GoldMail site.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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