Small Business Trends: How New Privacy Laws Could Impact Customer Care
Small Business Trends rounds up articles from a variety of sources about proposed legislation that would make it possible for customers to opt out of being tracked. How will it effect your small business, the publication asks?
“Small business is all about customer care. So how to you feel about new proposed legislation that is designed to prevent online clients from tracking customer behavior online? Are you concerned about customer privacy issues? Do you think we need more regulation? Will this legislation, if passed, affect your business at all. We’d love to hear so give your thoughts below. We’re all about small business here, so we want to hear your voice. Here’s more…
How will new online privacy laws impact your online selling? According to reports, new legislation would create a no track mandate aimed at online advertisers and would require them to offer visitors an opt out and third party consent before using the information collected. Lots of small businesses we know ask for customer information and use it only with permission. How big a deal do you think this is to the online small business community? B to B