Social Media Time Wasters

Small Business Trends: Social Media Time Wasters

This roundup leads with stories on social media for small business from two different sources, but also includes links to articles on everything from entrepreneurship to finance to sales.

“Are you wasting your time with social media? How about the many other tools out there you’ve heard will give your small business an edge? Hey, slow down. Don’t get overwhelmed. The fact is small businesses have always faced challenges and needed to develop the innovative strategies and tools to overcome them. This Small Business Trends roundup looks at the challenges and the tools and how today’s small business entrepreneurs can leverage the opportunities of today’s market for success tomorrow and in the years to come.

Social Media Strategy

Are you wasting your time with social media? Well, it depends how you’re using it. Are you using social media to build your small business’s brand or to gain referrals or new customers? Or are you using it to gain additional insight into running your business, to get new ideas or to meet new partners who may help you broaden your market or increase your revenue? All great reasons, but there are also some real time wasters in social media and here is a look at some of the big ones. The Xspond Files

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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